Fishing Articles by Captain Dave Sipler

Like sands through the hours glass, so are the lives of a N.E. Florida Trout! (9/01/2007)
[Saltwater Fishing] SANITY!!!!! SPAWNING!!!! THE RIVER!!!.....the surf???? I know some of the best local Speckled Trout Fisherman in my area. We Talk. Me? Well, I can hold my own, when it comes to catching them. But take today for instance.
This ain't BOBBER's called Float-rigging (8/16/2007)
[Saltwater Fishing] Do you fish in current? Do you anchor? Would you like to be able to fish structure 100 feet behind the boat? With light tackle? The float-rig isn\'t just a Speckled Trout rig, I catch everything on's the "how-to".