Dave Harman
200 lb Halibut 12 lb test line
200 lb Halibut 12 lb test line

Some of the best Scenery in the world
Some of the best Scenery in the world

Best fishing in the world? Is that really possible for someone to say? I really would have to say so in so many ways. I was born and raised on the Gulf Coast of Florida and guided proffesionally for three years. I have ownde and operated two different Sportfishing Boats in Costa Rica as well as owned and operated a Sportfishing boat in Alaska. Not to mention the places I have fished but not proffesionally.

Alaska is so rich in fish sometimes it is unbelievable to be honest with you! Can you imagine dropping a Jig to the bottom and having a bite within 1 second of touching bottom! Can you imagine a day with 2 Halibut, 5 Black Rockfish, 1 Ling Cos, ! Yellow Eye Snapper, 1 King Salmon, 6 Silver Salmon, 5 Pinks, 5 Chums, plus maybe release 10 or 20 more fish! Now you wont believe it when I tell you those numbers are just one person, almost every day out. I know it is a big thing to say the best in the worl, but I have fished about everywhere worth fishing and don't think there are very many as good. Dont get me wron I have had three Marlin plus 9 Sailfish Day in Costa Rica once a 47 Sailfish day in Guatemala but there is absolutely no where as consistent as Alaska. Hands Down! Come check us out at www.tongassfishing.com

Dave Harman

About The Author: Captain Dave Harman

Company: Tongass Sportfishing Charters

Area Reporting: Southeast Alaska

Bio: 30 years old Started my guiding career in Sarasota, Fl where I was born, after that I started fishing Alaska and Costa Rica/Nicaragua and still fish in those two last places I have logged over 1100 days on the water in Alaska and another 600 in Central America(C.R. Nic.)

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Dave Harman