Bass fishing has been good over the past few days.Bass are hitting black/blue Cyclone Slip/N/Jigs and shiner or watermelon colored V&M Pork Shad over and through the grass. Once you locate the bass they are generally bunched up and chasing shad. Rattletraps along the edges of the vegetation have been catching some decent bass too. We are catching the Crappie about 3 ft. down over 7-10 ft. of water on the channel edges near the Government Ditch using small white/red or red/green 1/16 oz. jigs. The lake level is stable and about 1 - 1.5 ft. low. Water temps as of today were between 51-55 degrees.

Caddo Lake Guide Service


Fish Species: Bass and Crappie
Bait Used:
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Method Used:
Water Depth: 3-6
Water Temperature: 52
Wind Direction:
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About The Author: Captain Paul Keith

Company: Caddo Lake Guide Service

Area Reporting: Caddo Lake

Bio: I am a full time bass fishing guide on Caddo Lake with over 30 years of fishing on this beautiful and historic lake.

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Paul Keith