Trey Pique

Venice Offshore Report

Originally, we were supposed to fish overnight Saturday, but with the bad weather this weekend we decided to go Tuesday night instead. I had the pleasure of fishing with the Bolejack crew so we met at the dock for 11 a.m. and pulled out shortly after. With a little time to spare after making bait, we quickly put four amberjack in the boat. We then ran over to the swordfishing grounds and began to setup fo the night. About 30 minutes into our first drift, a 150 class sword swam straight to the boat, slashed his bill at some squid in the light and was gone before we could pitch him a bait. After many hours of drifting, another sword jumped two times about fifty feet from the side of the boat, then swam through the light under the boat and disappeared into the depths. Shortly after the sun came up, we switched gears and decided to target some yellowfin. Our first stop had some good fish, but unfortunately they were slow rolling and not cooperating. We then jumped over to our second stopped where we quickly hooked up after putting out two livies. After boating four 30 pound yellowfin, we called it a day and headed for the house.

The weather looks like it is starting to cooperate more and more and the fish are cooperating as well. I still have a couple weekend days available in May and June and I also have some week days available as well. Give me a call to book your trip for the summer because the days are booking up quickly.

Captain Trey Pique


Fish Species: Amberjack and Yellowfin Tuna
Bait Used:
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Trey Pique

About The Author: Captain Trey Pique

Company: Voodoo Sportfishing Charters

Area Reporting: Venice, Louisiana

Bio: Captain Trey Pique is a 50 ton USCG certified captain. Growing up in New Orleans, he has spent his entire life fishing the coastal waters of louisiana. Whether it is flying a kite for yellowfin or drifting for swords, Captain Trey's passion, knowledge, and experience will ensure a memorable trip.

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Trey Pique