Fishing Reports by Guide Adam Hoelper

About The Author:
Company: River Runs Custom Rods and Guide Service
Area Reporting: Poconos, Lake Ontario Tribs, Salmon River NY
Bio: R&R Guide service offers a wide variety of fishing opportunities through out North East PA and North West NJ. Included in all trips are flies, leaders, and rods as well as lunches on 8hr trip. R&R Guide service will arrange trip to suit you specific needs and wants including; fly fishing, centerpin fishing (float), personalized instruction, stream ecology, entomology, wading as well as drift boat trip.
Children are always welcome on our trips. Because our guide hold degrees in both Biology and Marine Science from East Stroudsburg Unv. we can provide our younger clients with both a enjoyable and educational experience. We believe that catching fish is only a small portion of an enjoyable trip and we strive to provide our clients with a fishing experience and not just a trip.
[Pequest River,NJ] Early Hendrickson hatches have been sporadic but fairly heavy at times.......
[Poconos,PA] The Southern and general trout openers have come and the weather is accommodating us anglers. Fishing has been absolutely fantastic.
[Poconos,PA] Most of the trout streams in the Pocono's are closed prior to the opening of trout season however you those that look you can find a couple streams open for fishing.
[Poconos,PA] Just a reminder that the 2008 trout season will open at 8 a.m. March 29 in waters located in Adams, Berks, Bucks, Chester, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Franklin, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, Perry, Philadelphia, Schuylkill and York counties. The regular trout season starts at 8 a.m. on April 12 in the rest of the state.
[Poconos,PA] The McMicheals Ck is fishing better then most at the moment, as even with high water it can be fished by most anglers.
[Poconos,PA] Weather in the Pocono's and North Western NJ has been less then predictable these past few weeks, however we are happily getting rain, snow and ice storms weekly.
[Poconos,PA] The brookies and browns are in full spawn mode down here and eggs are the main stay of us fly fishing.
[Brodhead Creek,PA] If you find a couple browns you will surely find some rainbows below feeding on eggs.
[Brodhead Creek,PA] Downstream of East Stroudsburg fishing has been heating up also. The gorge has seen a fair numbers of Rainbows moving up and out of the Delaware River system looking for spawning gravel.
[Lake Erie,PA] The low water is making fishing challenging, however there is an amply supply of fish in the system.
[Brodhead Creek,PA] These fish are not wild fish, but where stocked several years ago as fingerings and tend to move back and forth between the Delaware and the Brodhead as water conditions change.
[Swiftwater Creek,PA] The Swiftwater creek has been fishing exceptionally well this past week.
[Brodhead Creek,PA] Centerpinning this creek has still been the top producer of numbers of fish with average catches being between 15-35 fish per person in 8 hrs.......
[Poconos,PA] The best new of the week is that we finally got some rainfall, not nearly as much at we need
[Lehigh River,PA] The pink worms yield the bulk of the catch. Both anglers caught many fish through out the day with each lading rainbows over 20 inches.....
[Poconos,PA] Brodhead water shed has been heating up again...... Small pheasant tails tied on curved or straight hooks in American, English or soft hackle styles have been top producers
[Poconos,PA] Today was one of those days every guide dreads, below average temps, wind and more wind.....18 wild brown which took the dry so gentle it was almost like it was sipping spinners.
[Delaware River,PA] Shad fishing in the DWG has started to show some slowing this week.
[Poconos,PA] By mid day the trout where in full surface orientation.....
[Poconos,PA] Warm weather and the shad run in full swing many anglers have turned their attentions away from the local trout streams leaving unfished hatches and solitude for the dedicated angler.
[Worthington,PA] Shad are running heavy enough to target on the fly this week, expectations for more fish of the next few weeks are high.....