Fishing Reports by Captain Rory Rorison

About The Author: Captain
Company: United Charters
Area Reporting: Shell Beach, Louisiana
Bio: United Charters was founded by Rory Rorison in 2001 and is located in Shell Beach, LA. Captain Rory is a life long Louisiana resident and has grown up fishing in this Sportsman's Paradise. Captain Rory's love of fishing and the outdoors is only matched by his love of sharing our bounty and his experience with others. United Charters provides some of the finest coastal marsh fishing to be found in the unspoiled waters of Shell Beach, Louisiana. We are USCG licensed and insured. Through our commitment, experience, and expertise United Charters has established a business relationship with our customers that will last a lifetime!
[Shell Beach,LA] Sunday, fun day in Shell Beach. Billy Bennett, Ellen Thomas, and Lynne Dawson were on the Blazer Bay and wanted to catch some redfish. Things started off a little slow, but once the tide started moving a little bit the bite picked up.
[Shell Beach,LA] Chilly Saturday in Shell Beach. I picked up Billy Martinez, Paul, Bradley, and Kelly at Billy’s camp, the Bayou Slam Camp in Hopedale. We started out looking for some trout, but the wind and cold water had them with lock jaw.
[Shell Beach,LA] It was Red Friday in Shell Beach today. I helped Capt. Erik Olsen with part of a big family. These were some great people and both boats loaded the boxes
[Shell Beach,LA] Pre Thanksgiving fun in Shell Beach. Wednesday I had Camille, Derick, Larry, and Charlie on the Blazer Bay. Things started off a little slow, but managed to put a few trout and a few reds in the box.
[Shell Beach,LA] Ton of Fun in Shell Beach. Today I had Hunter Cazes, his son Hunter, Patrick Schindler, and his son Liam. They wanted to get the boys on some reds and that they did.
[Shell Beach,LA] Filling the box in Shell Beach. Today I had the pleasure of taking Steven Matamoros and his sons Eric and Steven on their first charter. Started the day out with a little light rain, but the redfish did not care.
[Shell Beach,LA] Big reds in Shell Beach Sunday and Monday. I helped Capt. Mark with a big group from Mississippi. On day one my guys killed the redfish, only problem was they were on the larger size. Most just under 27” and we had to toss back a bunch over 27”.
[Shell Beach,LA] Pre Zeta trip in Shell Beach. I had the David Carney group on the Blazer Bay to catch some redfish. The still winds and super high water made things challenging, but they a great time putting together a nice box of fish.
[Shell Beach,LA] Back to the Beach today. Between the steady stream of storms and some needed maintenance for both me and the boat, I have been off the water for a few weeks. I brought the boat back down to Shell Beach yesterday and my buddy Paul gave me a hand, so we just had to go wet a line. In a couple hours we limited out on reds and picked up a dozen trout.
[Shell Beach,LA] Tough, but fun Sunday in Shell Beach. Sunday, I had Anthony, John, Angelo, and Jaden out on the Blazer Bay to catch some speckled trout. We got to our first stop at a reef I have been doing well on and there was a boat tied up to a pole right on the hot spot. We had lots of action, but few keepers to show for.
[Shell Beach,LA] Fast trout bite in Shell Beach Tuesday with Pete Schmedtje and his son Elliot. The day started out as one of those days when nothing goes right, from flat tire on truck, to baitwell pumps not working. Then the wind that was blowing harder than predicted, but things got better from there.
[Shell Beach,LA] Last Thursday in Shell Beach I had the Jim, George, and Larry on the Blazer Bay. Things started off a little slow, but after making a few moves we got a couple good bites.
[Shell Beach,LA] Specktacular Sunday in Shell Beach, with Stephen Lacoste and his guest Phil. For a change of lately, the West wind was not blowing over 15 as we left Campo’s. We headed deep into the Sound and made one stop.
[Shell Beach,LA] Redfish fun in Shell Beach. Today I had Forrest and Michelle on the Blazer Bay. This was Michelle’s first marsh fishing trip, and she put the first keeper red of the day on ice. We fished in the Biloxi marsh with Campo’s live shrimp under a Four Horsemen cork.
[Shell Beach,LA] Speckled Friday in Shell Beach. Onboard the Blazer Bay were Pat, Brian, David, and Nathan. Pat and Brian have fished with me for years now, but this was going to be Nathan’s first ever fishing trip. There was a rain shower over the area I wanted to go to, so we stopped short to try a couple spots with not much action. Finally, the rain moved on and we moved to the rig I wanted to start at.
[Shell Beach,LA] Monday in Shell Beach I had Al Fandrich and family out for a day on the water. With the extremely low water and a good breeze blowing we set up on the edge of the Sound in as protected an area we could find.
[Shell Beach,LA] Last Friday at Shell beach I had Brian Renshaw, his son Tate, and Chris Talazac on the Blazer Bay. It was Tate’s 10th birthday and a fishing trip is what he wanted. As is typical when Brian books it was forecast to by windy, but at the first stop it was not bad.
[Shell Beach,LA] Trout Tuesday in Shell Beach. Gary, Richard, and Paul jumped on the Blazer Bay and we took off in search of some speckled trout. Armed with Campo’s live shrimp we hit the Sound in nice conditions.
[Shell Beach,LA] Trout Thursday in Shell Beach. Matt Lester and family were my guests for the day and a good day it was. They were in town from San Antonio and wanted to enjoy a day of Louisiana fishing. They were not looking to keep any fish to take home, so a lot of fish got really lucky, except for a dozen trout I kept for me and the wife. They had nonstop action from the start and all day long.
[Shell Beach,LA] Wednesday meat haul in Shell Beach. The Paul Denis group hopped on the Blazer Bay and off into the thick fog we went. We made our way out deep into Breton Sound to a small wellhead and the reds and heads were there and hungry.
[Shell Beach,LA] One good day and one tough day in Shell Beach. Forrest Fife and Dan Saterfield came down from Monroe for two days of meat hauling Tuesday and Wednesday. They really wanted to get out into the Sound for a Sheepshead round up and battle with some bull reds. Tuesday conditions were perfect with very little wind and plenty for tide moving a day when none was forecast.
[Shell Beach,LA] Shell Beach trout trip. Wednesday Steve, Greg, and Tim wanted to go look for the elusive speckled trout. There was some rain in the area, but it stayed away from us for the most part. We headed over towards Four Horse and made a drift picking up a few trout as we drifted along.
[Shell Beach,LA] Daddy daughter day in Shell Beach. Today daughter #1 Elizabeth finally had a day off from work while I had the same. We headed out for a quick afternoon day on the water. The water was super low and the wind was blowing pretty good, so we stayed close by in the MRGO.
[Shell Beach,LA] Tuesday With the Treuting Crew in Shell Beach. The Treuting crew hopped on the Blazer Bay and really wanted to catch some trout. With a strong front rolling through the night before stirring thin s up and dropping the water temp down near 50* I knew it would be tough, but off we went. After trying a few different areas with little to show for we switched to plan B.
[Shell Beach,LA] Saturday in Shell Beach I was joined by Mitchell Morgan and his son Mason. We headed into the marsh on a chilly, but pretty morning. Things started off a little slow with very little bait or fish activity at our first stop. I noticed some bait activity on the other side of the pond so we moved over and first thing Mitchell hooks into a big red.
[Shell Beach,LA] First time fun in Shell Beach. Stephen Lacoste and his son Chris have fished with me before and fish plenty on their own, but Chris’s cousin Shannon from Atlanta had never been on a real fishing trip before. It sure didn’t take long for him to catch on.
[Shell Beach,LA] Redfish Thursday in Shell Beach. I helped Capt. Eric Olson with a two boat group from Texas. We both headed into the marsh armed with Campo’s live shrimp.
[Shell Beach,LA] Bad luck Friday the 13th? Last Friday I had Mathew, Bianca, and Abijah from Georgia on the Blazer Bay. They wanted to do some rig fishing for what bigger fish, so the plan was to run out deep into the Sound. Besides being Friday the 13th, the wind was blowing harder that forecast, we had a full moon to deal with, and to top it off the crew brought bananas.
[Shell Beach,LA] Meat hauling fun in Shell Beach. Forrest Fife and Sean Stuckey came down for another round of crab eating and fishing. They cooked and ate some pretty crabs the night before at the lodge and in the morning we headed into the Sound. They really were not too interested in trout, so I hit some rigs I have not fished this year.
[Shell Beach,LA] Stormy day in Shell Beach. Rudy Ramos and his son Jonathan came down to get in a trip before classes started up again. The plan was to start out looking for trout.
[Shell Beach,LA] One stop shopping in Shell Beach. Today I had the Kirk’s Tire and Accessories gang of Kirk, KB, Blake, and David on the Blazer Bay. We opted to go for redfish and it was a good move, even though the calm winds were tempting for a trout run.
[Shell Beach,LA] Monday I had Alvin Crab Man Royce and his son Justus out to look for some trout before school starts up again. Conditions were nice, but the bite was tough for us. We started out wasting a lot of bait at the Rocks.
[Shell Beach,LA] Breezy day two in Shell Beach. Tuesday was day two for Forrest and Robert. We tried to get on the trout early like the day before, but the winds were just too high. We managed to put 12 good trout in the box, before giving up on the trout.
[Shell Beach,LA] Speckled Monday at Shell Beach. Forrest Fife brought Monroe radio personality Robert DjWorm Jarvis down for his first taste of the salt marsh. We started out looking for trout and got on a good bite right off the bat.
[Shell Beach,LA] One of those days at the Beach. Tuesday I had Oneofthepack and Big Leon on the Blazer Bay. Our goal was to fish deep in the Sound for trout. The wind was a little more than forecast, but not too bad. We made several moves and covered a lot of water.
[Shell Beach,LA] Reds on the Beach. I picked Kevin Rome and 4 of his friends in Fort Beauregard. It was a little too breezy to chase trout outside, so to the marsh we headed. Things started out a little slow, picking up a few keepers, but mostly rat reds.
[Shell Beach,LA] Thursday at the Beach I had the pleasure of fishing with Tommy and Quinn Morrison. The guys wanted to chase Redfish in the marsh and it was a good call. At our first stop we got on a good bite that picked up as a rain shower passed over.
[Shell Beach,LA] Wednesday Shell Beach meat haul. Forrest Fife brought his buddy Sean Stuckey down to The Beach from Monroe, LA for his first inshore trip. Sean has done plenty fishing, but not inshore saltwater. Funny thing is we caught plenty familiar freshwater along with limits of Reds.
[Shell Beach,LA] Speckled trout Tuesday in Shell Beach. Today I had Dr Steve Slaton and family onboard. They really wanted Trout, so we gave that a try first. The wind made things a little sporty, but the trout did not care today.
[Shell Beach,LA] Windy reds in Shell Beach. Today was day one for the Mike Drake group. With the wind blowing 20 out the NE trout were out of the question, so we headed into the marsh to chase redfish. It was never a fast crazy bite, but steady enough to keep us around and the guys filled the box with limits of reds.
[Shell Beach,LA] Last Saturday in Shell Beach was not an easy one. Jamey Sandefur and family were all set to chase trout out in the Sound. I whacked them pretty good the day before, so we pounded it out to the same area. We moved around quite a bit and never got a bite besides ladyfish. We bounced around a few other spots while talking other striking out too.
[Shell Beach,LA] Speck slam in Shell Beach. Friday I had the Jim Walther group onboard. They only wanted trout, and fr a change the wind was not howling, so it was deep into the Sound we went. We had a slow bite going at our first stop, but these were really nice sized trout. After that fizzled out we move a couple miles away, and the Trout went nuts.
[Shell Beach,LA] Switching gears in Shell Beach. Yesterday I had the Blaise Ernts group all set for a Trout haul out deep into the Sound. As usual the weatherman lied. The forecast 5-10 was a steady 15+. After pounding it out and bouncing around with only a few trout to show for it was time to make the switch.
[Shell Beach,LA] Plan B in Shell Beach. Yesterday I had Reggie and Pat Hayes on the Blazer Bay. We left Campo’s with intentions of chasing Trout in the Sound. As we headed out the winds were picking up so we had to stop short on the edge. The guys managed to put some trout on ice, but it was tough in the dirty water.
[Shell Beach,LA] Saturday in Shell Beach I took out Don, David, and Mark. They were in town from different parts of the country on business and wanted to get out on the water. Since the wind was blowing first thing in the morning we stayed in the marsh focusing on Redfish or whatever else bit. You name it, if it swims in the marsh, they caught it.
[Shell Beach,LA] Friday grind in Shell Beach. My guests for the day were Keith, Matt, and Jimmy. Things started out a little tough. First my bait well was not working, and after getting that going getting bait was an issue. Now with a delayed start, but with bait we ran straight out to the Sound in pretty conditions only to find boat all over everywhere I wanted to stop. After settling at a rig we caught plenty big Spanish Mackerel and Bull Reds.
[Shell Beach,LA] Nonstop reds in Shell Beach today. Today I had Forrest Fife, and his friend Joe on the Blazer Bay. It was nice and calm this morning as we pulled out of Campo’s. I had thoughts of big Sound trout dancing in my head, but my guys wanted to go chase reds in the marsh instead. Fine with me, because it is all about what my client wants to do.
[Shell Beach,LA] Had to work for them Wednesday in Shell Beach. I helped Capt. Ed out with a group from Florida. The rat reds were thick with the keepers playing tough to get, but we fished on through it to fill the cleaning table.
[Shell Beach,LA] Speckled Monday at The Beach. My guest for the day was Norman Tabor from Boston, Mass. It has been a good while since I have targeted trout, but today conditions were semi favorable so we gave them a shot first. Our first stop started off rather slow. We caught some nice trout, but just too slow of a bite.
[Shell Beach,LA] Fun Wednesday in Shell Beach. Pat Comiskey and his son Brian were my guests on the Blazer Bay. They have fished with me plenty over the years and they are a lot of fun, keeping me laughing all day. It was a little windier than I expected so we went straight to plan Redfish.