Without a doubt, today was the worst fluke day of the season. Started out with the last of the incoming, not much of a drift with wind against and WAY too many boats where we've been fishing...Fished Amrose for the change, caught a handfull of shorts and half a dozen keepers. Fish we did catch were ice cold. Once the current started to run, it ran hard with the full moon. Chris Kubie and son chris jr. did combine for 6 nice keepers and a sea bass....

Bounced around the rest of the day and never found the good bite on shorts or keepers. Hot as hell at the dock and not many customers around for the afternoon trip.....I would imagine there's going to be some major running around tomorrow with 2 fluke tournaments going on, don't follow me, I'm just as lost!!!! Capt. ron

Fish Species: Fluke
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About The Author: Captain Ron Santee

Company: Capt. Rons Fishermen

Area Reporting: Raritan Bay/Sandy hook

Bio: Following in my fathers footsteps, I have been a licensed Captain for 30 years. Our family has been in the fishing business since 1955. Fishing is not a job, it's a way of life!

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Ron Santee