Huge swell in the ocean, read plenty of life but it was all 15 feet off the bottom. Finally read a shot of fish down low and anchored up....Stayed there all day with a very nice pick. A lot more smaller fish the past two days, keepers are between 28 and 30 inches with the pool fish going 34-36 inches.

Ended the day with a good catch of fish. Several limits including (naturally) The Anchor Inn crew, Joe, Andy and Andy's brother, Billy Horn, Bert, Chris, a couple new State Trooper customers and Archie Stuart (who was on loan from theAngler)!!

Hi hook ended the day with 11 fish and the pool fish at 16 pounds.

8 days in row of a good bite!!! Water temp. was down to 58 degrees....perfect! Capt.ron

Fish Species: Striped Bass
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Bill Horn & crew
Bill Horn & crew

Bob Santee
Bob Santee

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About The Author: Captain Ron Santee

Company: Capt. Rons Fishermen

Area Reporting: Raritan Bay/Sandy hook

Bio: Following in my fathers footsteps, I have been a licensed Captain for 30 years. Our family has been in the fishing business since 1955. Fishing is not a job, it's a way of life!

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Ron Santee