Lake LBJ Water Stained, 86 degrees, 824.69'

Largemouth are good at daylight in along seawalls and out to 10' deep using watermelon Curb's Erratic jigs, watermelon-red Whacky Sticks and pumpkin 4" tubes to docks and laydowns.

Stripers are good at night on Creme Lure's 2" Spoiler Shads and 1" Little Fishies.

White Bass fair to good at night on Little Fishies.

Crappie are fair to good over brush piles in clear water

on Curb's crappie jigs and live minnows.

To book a guided fishing trip w/the only guide

service fishing LBJ for 50 years contact Jim at

JR's Guide Service

Call (830) 868-7042 or email


Canyon Lake: Water: clear; 85 degrees; 919.00':

Largemouth are fair to good along the edges of buck brush and standing timber early and late and good all day upriver starting with topwaters like JDC Skip-N-Pops or Pop R's, wacky rigged watermelon-red Whacky Sticks and later on Texas rigged blue flake worms and drop shot Devil's Tongues along breaklines and ledges.

Smallmouth are fair at daylight over 10'- 30' using topwaters

rootbeer JDC grubs, and/or craws.

Stripers are slow to fair trolling Gizz 4 crankbaits over and

around humps and jigging 1 oz. Pirk Minnows at daylight.

White Bass are slow.

Crappie are improvised upriver tight to laydown tree tops and

brush on white or chartreuse crappie jigs and live minnows.

Channel Catfish are N/A.

Yellow and Blue Catfish are very good on trotlines and juglines

using live goldfish and perch.

For lodging info. and to book a guided trip w/the most experienced, knowledgeable fulltime guides on Canyon contact JR's Guide Service Call Jim at (830) 868-7042 or email:


CHOKE CANYON conditions have improved but bass fishing remains day to day..

Black Bass are fair at daylight schooling in ditches 8'-15' deep where Rat-L-Traps, white/chartreuse Terminator spinnerbaits and

5" black-blue flake Whacky Sticks produce. The edge of grass along tank dams is giving up some fish on spinnerbaits and wacky worms as is north shore on crankbaits.

Crappie are fair tight to standing timber around 99 bridge.

For info. or to book a guided trip contact JR's Guide Service. Call

(830) 868-7042 or email

Fish Species: Largemouth, Smallmouth, Stripers & Crappie
Bait Used: Lures Only
Tackle Used: Yes
Method Used: Casting
Water Depth: 5'-12'
Water Temperature: 85
Wind Direction:
Wind Speed:

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About The Author: Captain Jim Files

Company: JR's Guide Service

Area Reporting: Central Texas

Bio: Central Texas largest, professional fulltime guide service. Bass, stripers, whites & crappie (seasonally)

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Jim Files