Fishing around the Tampa Bay area has been heating up along with the temperatures. The fish are beginning to move from the back country winter hideaways to the outside flats following the warming water. We have been having great catches of Snook, and Sea Trout. Best bet for both of these species is to net up some whitebait(greenbacks) and then pitch them into the pot-holes on the flats during moving tide phases. Another great option for Sea trout is a DOA shrimp under a popping cork. Sheepshead are around all the bridges and structure around the bay. These fiesty fish are great table fare and are very entertaining to catch. A small NO.4 hook, with pieces of fresh shrimp and a split shot is the preferred method of catching these toothy critters. Overall the fishing around the bay has been great, and will only get better this month as the air temperatures stabilize and begin to warm up. Get out there and wet a line, today could be the day you catch that trophy.

Captain Rob Salimbene

Mangrove Man Charters


Fish Species: Redfish
Bait Used: Whitebait
Tackle Used:
Method Used:
Water Depth:
Water Temperature: High 60's Low 70's
Wind Direction:
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About The Author: Captain Rob Salimbene

Company: Mangrove Man Charters

Area Reporting: Tampa Bay, Fl

Bio: My name is Rob Salimbene and I am coast guard licensed and certified captain. I grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where most of my early fishing was done on trout streams and Lake Erie. My love for fishing was developed through many fishing trips with my Grandfather, who was kind enough to pass on his love of fishing to me. My saltwater experience was honed fishing the offshore waters of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina for dolphin, tuna, wahoo, and more. I moved to Florida to further my education and truly fell in love with the state and the fishing possibilities. I feel that in the United States there is no better inshore saltwater fishing than right here in Florida. Growing up I always dreamed of becoming a fishing guide so with every passing day I feel I am truly living a dream.

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