Browse Boating Articles

How To Sell Your Boat by Owner
Avoid hefty broker fees by using the free tools we have today to list your boat for sale and do the entire transaction yourself.

Safety First
Sometimes you just have to understand that boating is different than driving a car most people don\'t know the rules!
A Recent Observation
Some kind tips for what could be a bad day on the water at least it was for one!
If Your Fishing Season is Done
Some ways top keep your boat and equipment ready for the next season and fre of rusty tackle!
The Advancement in 4-Stroke Motors
The 2 stroke motor will soon become history. The new Yamaha 4 stroke is taking over.

Dig In Anchor System
The Dig In Anchor System has been an awesome addition to my boat

Fishing The St. Johns River Jetties
It's flat calm, and I don't care. When at the Mayport Inlet always beware, be vigilant. Extreme tidal current, 10 ton granite boulders, Ships, Tugs, Pilot boats throwing immense wakes. I do not even anchor in some places, and my boat was build from scratch to fish that inlet!

Picking a charter captain
When calling a charter company talk directly to the captain/owner, the one who will be operating the boat on the day you want to book. Don\'t end up with a Captain Ahab who will spoil your day on the water.

Ethanol Gasoline Could Cause Damage
The gasoline additive found in almost all gasoline purchased at local fuel facilities contain E-10 Ethanol. Recent problems identified by some boat owners have been linked back to this fuel type of fuel especially for older boats.

Second Hand Boats Can Mean Expensive Repairs
Unlike the movie Second Hand Lions not all stories end on a positive note. Many time buyer looking for a good deal on a boat are unaware of severe structural damages until its too late.

Fuel Consumption Tips for Bass Boats
Some ways to save on fuel for the new bigger 2 stroke engines. The ridiculous price of fuel has driven many of us to reconsider our boats, motors and fishing distance that we all travel.

Dock with care...
Some marinas are not open to the 21st century and may have hidden rules or the dock manager may not be the controllign force. So before moving your boat, check into the marina thoroughly as it may end up being great location with worse headache.