Dean Panos

This is the time of year that I get fired up on fishing on the edge. The cold fronts are rolling through and with the fronts, come the fish. Today was a perfect example as the sails were definitely biting for us. We ended the day getting double digit releases. We caught 11 sailfish out of 14 hookups. Besides the sails, we also caught kingfish and dolphin. It was an action packed day for sure. We started off slow by breaking the line on one fish (tip wrapped) and then breaking another sailfish off by getting tangled in one of the other kite baits. Before that we had a bridle on kite break. Luckily it was in the boat while it broke or we would have lost it. Then we had a center piece of another kite break. Luckily I carry a bunch of kites, be we were definitely off to a slow and shaky start. I told my guys not to worry that we were just going to have to catch the sails in bunches. A few minutes later we had a quad on (4 sailfish on at one time). We ended up catching 3 out of the 4. After that we caught every fish we hooked, and the action picked up. We hooked and caught a single, and while we were fighting another single we hooked a second fish which now became a double. We caught those and then another double followed by a single. We now had 9 out of 12 sailfish. The water was starting to get dirty, but we kept at it and at 3:00pm hooked and caught another double. We broke double digits and with very tired anglers, we headed home.

Although you can't expect this kind of action on every trip, the sailfishing has picked up. Our previous trip we caught 5 out 5 with some kings and dolphin as well. The cold fronts should keep the fish pouring through our area.

I also fished the Dark Side of the Moon Swordfish Tournament this past weekend. The weather was OK. It wasn't calm, but it wasn't too rough either. The swordfishing was good for us. We caught 4 out of 7 swordfish. Our biggest fish was around 90 pounds. It wasn't big enough to win as a ~160 pound fish won, but we did have a lot of action and any night you catch 4 swordfish is an outstanding night.

The holidays are fast approaching. Due to a few cancellations, I do have some open days during the holiday week, so if you have friends or relatives in town and want to take them fishing, give me a call and lets set it up before all the dates are gone. In my last report I mentioned gift certificates, and since then I have sold a few. So if you have that special someone in your life that loves to fish and you simply can't figure out what to get him or her, we can set you up with a gift certificate for a fishing trip.

That's it for now, enjoy the holidays and hopefully get out and catch some fish.

Tight Lines,

Capt. Dean Panos


Fish Species: Sailfish and Swordfish
Bait Used:
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Dean Panos

About The Author: Captain Dean Panos

Company: Double D Charters

Area Reporting: Miami and South Florida

Bio: Captain Dean Panos is U.S.C.G. licensed and insured and is dedicated to providing you with an angling experience of a lifetime. He has been fishing the South Florida waters for over 19 years and is a proven tournament winner. Saltwater fishing for sailfish, swordfish, dolphin, tuna, kingfish, tarpon, wahoo - Just to name a few of the possible species available for the fishing trip of a lifetime.

Click Here For Past Fishing Reports by Captain Dean Panos