Fishing Reports by Captain James Wiesenberg
About The Author: Captain
Company: Mountain Meadow Outfitters and Charters
Area Reporting: CT,MA,RI,VT,NY,NH
Bio: Join Master Captain James for Saltwater Light tackle and fly fishing from Trophy Weakfish to Tuna/Shark as well as CT Atlantic Salmon on the Schetucket River; Shore/Raft Fishing. Follow the seasonal round along the Northeast Coast for Trophy Stripers merging into freshwater adventures. Waterfowl for Sea and Puddle Ducks as well as Woodcock/Grouse and Black Bear/Deer Hunting. Digital photos/video and gourmet fare with every trip. Enjoy our Mouintain Meadow Triple Choclate Brownie and Choclate chip cookies as you and yours celebrate a sunrise or sunset sipping hot mulled cider or own own specialty coffees. Your success is our success!
[Torrington,CT] Quiet deep water drifts with underwater camera action capturing the powerful strikes large browns are known for!
[Torrington,CT] Uniquely outfitted driftboat for three passengers with underwater video of lake specific fly fishing techniques with trout "on the take". Bamboo fly rods used enhancing water column fly delivery. Catching large browns with the evening hatches as they move into 4-6 ft of water feeding on baitfish species.
[Shetucket River,CT] Gourmet coffees/Hot Mulled Cider and Four Star Lunch-the perfect interlude to November Atlantic Salmon Fishing! Note: December 1st on offers limit of one(1) Fish per day.
[Shetucket River,CT] I put clients on hold to test commercial and homemade anti-icing remedies. Frozen guides/reel rollers/slides and lines made for a frustrating fishing experience the previous week. Will return to the river at the end of February with clients and remedies; salmon smoking info in full report.
[Shetucket River,CT] Ice in rod guides and stiff lines plagued us on monday. Had three good size fish surface and fin us with light bumps but no hook-ups. Thanks to our Manitoba clients for toughening-it-out with no complaints- a Bald Eagle and Shore lunch with the Mountain Meadow Triple Choclate Brownies eased their disappointment...
[Shetucket River,CT] Bright flies and hammered spoons drifted exactly the speed of the rivers' drift producing fish up to 14 lbs. Plenty of water , on average, to present deeply fished offerings is the trick this week to hooking up with a large fish. Surface and shallow water fishing has been slow with smaller fish caught when successful.