Browse Recent Puerto Vallarta Mainland Mexico Fishing Reports

Puerto Vallarta fishing report January 2022by Pete Vines (1/10/2022)
The deep-sea fishing has been as hot as our weather. We are experiencing record water temp and record numbers of sailfish, mahi-mahi, marlin ,and tuna this year in Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Decemberby Pete Vines (12/16/2021)
Puerto Vallarta fishing remains hot while we fish the perfect weather all winter long. If sailfish,marlin,tuna and mahi-mahi or on your bucket list Puerto Vallarta might be your next stop.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Novemberby Pete Vines (11/17/2021)
The month of November started off with some hot fishing and tournaments, we hope to finish the same way. Hot fishing and sunny skies this winter.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Octoberby Pete Vines (10/07/2021)
Puerto Vallarta fishing heats up just when the cold weather starts up north in U.S. and Canada. We are seeing sailfish, tuna, marlin, and the good eating mahi-mahi.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Septemberby Pete Vines (9/07/2021)
The offshore fishing heating up for Labor Day here in beautiful Puerto Vallarta Mexico. The marlin, sailfish and mahi-mahi are feeding inshore and offshore this summer. It's going to be one heck of a Fall fishing season.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Augustby Pete Vines (8/22/2021)
Puerto Vallarta fishing here up right along with the hot weather we are experiencing. The sailfish, marlin, Dorados are here for the taking.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Juneby Pete Vines (6/01/2021)
The fishing here in Puerto Vallarta had started off as hot as Texas weather in the summer. The fishing for offshore and inshore has had steady action catching sails, marlin, tuna, and some of the small to medium mahi-mahi.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Mayby Pete Vines (5/17/2021)
The fishing has taken off like a rocket and getting better as the water warms up here in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. This so many good fishing signs on so many levels.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Aprilby Pete Vines (4/22/2021)
Take a look at what's happening on the inshore and offshore action here in Puerto Vallarta Mexico where the friendliest people
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Aprilby Pete Vines (4/20/2021)
What do you get when you add tons of bait and clear blue water fishing in Puerto Vallarta Mexico ??
Nuevo Vallarta fishing report marchby Pete Vines (3/05/2021)
Nuevo Vallarta water temps heat up and so does the fishing here in Mexico. Spring brings in all kings of pelagic fish.
Nuevo Vallarta fishing report Februaryby Pete Vines (2/03/2021)
Nuevo Vallarta fishing has been hot and cold this month with both offshore and inshore action being productive.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Januaryby Pete Vines (1/03/2021)
The water-cooled down a bit but the fishing remains hot in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. See what winter fishing has to offer in January.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Decemberby Pete Vines (12/10/2020)
Top ten places in paradise Puerto Vallarta Mexico and some hot fishing
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Septemberby Pete Vines (9/05/2020)
Puerto Vallarta fishing one of the hottest places to fish this summer. Big fish with big fun every day.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Augustby Pete Vines (8/09/2020)
The action is as hot as the water in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. The bay action is fantastic and offshore
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Aprilby Pete Vines (5/01/2020)
Puerto Vallarta fishing May report and El Banco fishing
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Marchby Pete Vines (3/04/2020)
Puerto Vallarta fishing is heating up along with the water temperatures come join us here in beautiful Mexcio.
Puerto Vallarta fishing charters Januaryby Pete Vines (1/30/2020)
Puerto Vallarta fishing charters when most places and experiencing cold weather the fishing is wide open here in Mexcio.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Decemberby Pete Vines (12/13/2019)
Puerto Vallarta fishing report for December starts off as hot as it can get for fishing..
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Novemberby Pete Vines (11/14/2019)
Puerto Vallarta fishing report for November starts off with a blast of just about every fish you can think of for offshore fishing.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Marlin, Sailfish, Tuna, and Doradoby Daniel Cruz (11/03/2019)
Puerto Vallarta fishing report October 2019 Hi everyone We have had another great month of fishing here in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. The Month started off great with the 7th international catch and release Sportfishing Tournament that was held in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle Marina. Captain Cesar Perez won 1st place team for catch and releases of Blue and Black Marlin, Sailfish and Dorados See video below.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Octoberby Pete Vines (10/11/2019)
Fall fishing is pick up in Puerto Vallarta with all kinds fish being caught
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Augustby Pete Vines (8/14/2019)
Puerto Vallarta fishing report for August with some nice pics and rob bending action.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Juneby Pete Vines (6/13/2019)
The summer fishing is right around the corner and it's already hot fishing here in Mexico. Coming up Father's day and some
Puerto Vallarta fishing Aprilby Pete Vines (4/14/2019)
Puerto Vallarta fishing heats up as all kinds of bait move into the bay. bait balls show up every where.
Puerto Vallarta fishing charter report for Aprilby Pete Vines (3/31/2019)
Puerto Vallarta fishing forecast for April here in Mexcio. The fishing is holding strong with beautiful weather. All kinds of fish are biting offshore and in the bay.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report Marchby Pete Vines (3/17/2019)
Puerto Vallarta fishing for March brings in trade winds and fantastic fishing for all kinds of pelagic fish.
Puerto Vallarta fishing report December with humpback whalesby Pete Vines (12/14/2018)
So of the best fishing in Puerto Vallarta is December and the whale watching can't be beat.
Puerto Valarta fishing report Decemberby Pete Vines (12/05/2018)
The weather is perfect and the fish are biting here in Puerto Vallarta Mexico.
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